Scream if you want to go faster

If you are building a supersonic car designed to break the sound barrier, you need a communication system that can keep pace with the demands of designing, building and testing it.
So Virgin Media Business has installed a 1GB fibre optic network at BlOOD HOUND SSC’s headquarters, giving the team of engineers the technology they need to share their success and educate the next-generation of scientists across the country. Click on the link to watch the film we made about this exciting project.

Sustain Ability Challenge

We are working with Unilever this year to make films that tell the story of their Sustain Ability Challenge. 12 families across the country have volunteered to change their habits to reduce their impact on the environment and cut their household bills. If you click on the link below you can see the films we have made with Kathy, Adam and Antony who have all signed up for the challenge.

View the film here.

Down on the farm

This year we have been all over Europe with McDonald’s making films about their Flagship Farm programme, which highlights farms that go the extra mile when it comes to protecting the environment and considering animal welfare. This film is one of our favourites and features Ray Dempsey a farmer who has been producing beef to high animal welfare standards and controlling the farm’s impact on the environment.

View the film on this link

Another true story

Our latest film for Virgin Media Business has just been released. THECUBE is an innovative organisation in Shoreditch, which is feeding the UK start-up revolution by offering an incubation space to fast-growth businesses and entrepreneurs. It’s giving businesses the space and infrastructure to share ideas, and by collaborating with Virgin Media Business it now has the technology to help put these ideas into action.

View the film here

Back to school

Hammo the hamster took a starring role in the animation we have just produced for Future First. The charity helps state schools across England build an alumni, keeping former students connected with their old school to help inspire pupils about what they could go on to do. Hammo fluffed his lines, but he nailed the action sequence first time.

View the film on this link